Bean sprouts:
Make your life in the kitchen easier with bean sprouts thanks to their versatility. In addition to being delicious, they can be eaten cooked. They are found in the famous chop suey recipe, in salads, wraps, stir-fries … They also contain vitamin C. Check out our recipes for inspiration! We have concocted amazing dishes for you.
Where to find us?
Our Oriental bean sprouts are in all supermarkets near you in Quebec (Super C, Maxi, Provigo, Métro, Wal-Mart) and online at Lufa Farms.
Our Oriental biologic bean sprouts are only available at IGA, Metro and Rachelle Berry.
You will find us mainly in bags like these presented.
You will also find us in-store packaging at IGA and Metro.
We deploy a lot of energy to market the bags rather than in-store packaging. So we can guarantee that our factory safety will be up to your home.